第五章 使用Bochs
After starting Bochs either from the command prompt or the OS shell, the following steps are done before the simulation is running.
\qquad 从命令提示符或操作系统外壳启动Bochs后,在运行模拟之前执行以下步骤。
- parse command line (except bochsrc options) 解析命令行(bochsrc选项除外)
- load selected config file (bochsrc) or search for the default one 加载选定的配置文件(bochsrc)或搜索默认配置文件
- parse remaining command line options (bochsrc syntax) 解析剩余的命令行选项(bochsrc语法)
- initialize configuration interface 初始化配置接口
- enter start menu / dialog (unless quick start mode is enabled) 进入“开始”菜单/对话框(除非启用了快速启动模式)
- initialize all parts of the simulator 初始化模拟器的所有部分
- enter debugger prompt / dialog (if present) 输入调试器提示/对话框(如果存在)
- enter the simulation loop 进入模拟循环
During simulation, Bochs usually generates more or less log output. By default it is sent to the console, otherwise to the specified log file. The amount of output can be controlled with the log options in bochsrc, the start menu and the runtime configuration.
\qquad 在模拟过程中,Bochs通常会生成或多或少的日志输出。默认情况下,它会发送到控制台,否则会发送到指定的日志文件。输出量可以通过bochsrc中的日志选项、开始菜单和运行时配置进行控制。
Under certain conditions Bochs can cause a panic and usually asks the user what to do. If such a panic happens during startup, it is mostly a configuration or permission problem and we recommend to quit Bochs and to review the bochsrc options used.
\qquad 在某些情况下,Bochs会引起恐慌,通常会询问用户该怎么办。如果在启动过程中发生这种恐慌,主要是配置或权限问题,我们建议退出Bochs并查看使用的bochsrc选项。
To quit the simulation, the “power” button in the Bochs headerbar should be used, unless the guest OS has the capability to turn off the computer (APM or ACPI).
\qquad 要退出模拟,应使用Bochs头栏中的“电源”按钮,除非客户操作系统能够关闭计算机(APM或ACPI)。
If a Bochs runtime issue cannot be fixed by configuration changes and it has not yet been reported in the bochs-developers mailing list or the SF trackers for Bochs, it should be reported in the mailing list or the SF bug tracker for the Bochs project.
\qquad 如果Bochs运行时问题无法通过配置更改解决,并且尚未在Bochs开发人员邮件列表或Bochs的SF跟踪器中报告,则应在Bochs项目的邮件列表或SF错误跟踪器中报告。
5.1. Command line arguments 命令行参数
The following table shows the arguments that can be used on the command line. For other arguments, see section bochsrc.
\qquad 下表显示了可以在命令行中使用的参数。有关其他参数,请参见第bochsrc节。
表5-1 命令行参数
参数 | 描述 |
-q | 快速启动(跳过配置界面) |
-f | filename指定配置文件 |
-log filename | 文件名指定Bochs日志文件 |
-dbglog filename | 指定Bochs内部调试器日志文件 |
-n | 不要尝试加载配置文件 |
-benchmark N | 在基准测试模式下运行Bochs,用于N百万个模拟节拍 |
-dumpstats N | 每N百万次模拟ticks转储Bochs统计数据 |
-r path | 指定还原状态的路径 |
-unlock | 解锁上次会话剩余的Bochs图像 |
-noconsole | 禁用控制台窗口(仅限Windows) |
–help | 显示帮助信息并退出 |
–helpn features | 显示可用功能/设备并退出 |
–help cpu | 显示支持的cpu型号并退出(仅限cpu级别>4) |
These arguments are handled directly after starting Bochs. The next step is to load a default or specified configuration file (unless disabled with -n). Then the rest of the command line (bochsrc options) is parsed. This is done after reading the configuration file so that the command line arguments can override the settings from the file.
\qquad 这些参数在启动Bochs后直接处理。下一步是加载默认或指定的配置文件(除非使用-n禁用)。然后对命令行的其余部分(bochsrc选项)进行解析。这是在读取配置文件后完成的,以便命令行参数可以覆盖文件中的设置。
5.2. Search order for the configuration file 配置文件的搜索顺序
If no configuration file is specified on the command line and config file loading is not disabled, Bochs searches for a default configuration file. This is the search order:
\qquad 如果在命令行上未指定配置文件,并且未禁用配置文件加载,则Bochs将搜索默认配置文件。这是搜索顺序:
1、bochsrc in the current directory 当前目录中的.bochsrc
2、bochsrc in the current directory 当前目录中的bochsrc
3、bochsrc.txt in the current directory 当前目录中的bochsrc.txt
4、(win32 only) bochsrc.bxrc in the current directory (仅限win32)当前目录中的bochsrc.bxrc
5、(Unix only) .bochsrc in the user’s home directory (仅限Unix).bochsrc,位于用户的主目录中
6、(Unix only) bochsrc in the /etc directory (仅限Unix)/etc/etc目录中的bochsrc
5.3. The configuration interface ‘textconfig’ 配置界面“textconfig”
The configuration interface ‘textconfig’ is the text mode version of the Bochs configuration system. It is a series of menus (using stdin/stdout) that allows you to edit all the settings that control Bochs’ behavior. If you do not write a config_interface line, Bochs will choose it as the default for you (unless Bochs is compiled for Win32 or wxWidgets only). If the gui console is available at runtime, textconfig switches the display to text mode 80 x 25 and restores the simulation screen afterwards.
\qquad 配置接口“textconfig”是Bochs配置系统的文本模式版本。它是一系列菜单(使用stdin/stdout),允许您编辑控制Bochs行为的所有设置。如果您不编写config_interface行,Bochs将选择它作为默认行(除非Bochs仅为Win32或wxWidgets编译)。如果gui控制台在运行时可用,textconfig会将显示切换到文本模式80 x 25,然后恢复模拟屏幕。
- the start menu 开始菜单
- the headerbar buttons 标题栏按钮
- the runtime configuration 运行时配置
On Win32 (without wxWidgets) the default configuration interface ‘win32config’ is very similar, but it presents gui dialogs instead of text menus.
\qquad 在Win32(没有wxWidgets)上,默认配置界面“win32config”非常相似,但它显示的是gui对话框,而不是文本菜单。
5.3.1. The start menu 开始菜单
Here you can load, edit and save the configuration and finally start the simulation. It is possible to start Bochs without a config file and to edit all the settings using the item “Edit options”. Don’t forget to save the configuration if you want to use this setup for another Bochs session.
\qquad 在这里,您可以加载、编辑和保存配置,并最终启动模拟。可以在没有配置文件的情况下启动Bochs,并使用“编辑选项”项编辑所有设置。如果您想将此设置用于另一个Bochs会话,请不要忘记保存配置。
5.3.2. The Bochs headerbar
The headerbar appears on top of the Bochs simulation window. Here you can control the behavoiur of Bochs at runtime if you click on one of these buttons:
\qquad 标题栏显示在Bochs模拟窗口的顶部。如果单击以下按钮之一,您可以在运行时控制Bochs的行为:
- floppy buttons 软盘按钮
Here you can toggle the status of the floppy media (inserted/ejected). Bochs for win32 presents you a small dialog box for changing the floppy image. You can setup floppy drives using floppya/floppyb option.
\qquad 在这里,您可以切换软盘介质的状态(插入/弹出)。Bochs for win32为您提供了一个用于更改软盘映像的小对话框。您可以使用floppya/floppyb选项设置软盘驱动器。 - cdrom button cdrom按钮
Here you can toggle the media status of the first CD-ROM drive (inserted/ejected). CD-ROM drives can be set up using ata(0-3)-master/-slave option. On some platforms this button brings a up a small dialog box for changing the CD-ROM image.
\qquad 在这里,您可以切换第一个CD-ROM驱动器的介质状态(插入/弹出)。CD-ROM驱动器可以使用ata(0-3)-master/-slave选项进行设置。在某些平台上,此按钮会弹出一个小对话框,用于更改CD-ROM映像。 - mouse button 鼠标按钮
Here you can enable the creation of mouse events by the host. Once mouse events are captured, you cannot reach the button anymore, in order to disable capturing again. By default you can enable and disable the mouse capture pressing the CTRL key and the third (middle) mouse button. See the mouse option parameter ‘toggle’ for other methods to toggle the mouse capture.
\qquad 在这里,您可以启用主机创建鼠标事件。一旦捕捉到鼠标事件,您就无法再触摸该按钮,以便再次禁用捕捉。默认情况下,您可以按CTRL键和第三个(中间)鼠标按钮启用和禁用鼠标捕捉。有关切换鼠标捕获的其他方法,请参见鼠标选项参数“toggle”。
Changing the mouse capture at runtime is not supported by all display libraries, but it is already present on RFB, SDL, SDL2, VNCSRV, Win32, wxWidgets and X11. 并非所有显示库都支持在运行时更改鼠标捕获,但RFB、SDL、SDL2、VNCSRV、Win32、wxWidgets和X11上已经存在此功能。
Support for 2 button mouse to toggle the capture mode not yet complete - using another toggle method is recommended in that case. 支持2按钮鼠标切换尚未完成的捕获模式-在这种情况下,建议使用另一种切换方法。 - user button 用户按钮
Press this button if you want to send the keyboard shortcut defined with the user_shortcut parameter of the keyboard option to the guest. Depending on the used display_library option, it may even be possible to edit the shortcut before sending it.
\qquad 如果要将键盘选项的user_shortcut参数定义的键盘快捷方式发送给来宾,请按此按钮。根据所使用的display_library选项,甚至可以在发送快捷方式之前对其进行编辑。 - copy button 复制按钮
The text mode screen text can be exported to the clipboard after pressing this button. The button has no effect in graphics mode.
\qquad 按下此按钮后,可以将文本模式屏幕文本导出到剪贴板。该按钮在图形模式下无效。 - paste button 粘贴按钮
Text in the clipboard can also be pasted, through Bochs, to the guest OS, as simulated keystrokes. Keyboard mapping must be enabled to make this feature work.
\qquad 剪贴板中的文本也可以通过Bochs粘贴到来宾操作系统,作为模拟按键。必须启用键盘映射才能使此功能正常工作。 - snapshot button 快照按钮
Press this button if you want to save a snapshot of the Bochs screen. All text and graphics modes are now supported. If gui dialogs are supported (e.g. on win32) Bochs presents you a “Save as…” dialog box to specify the filename. In text modes the formats BMP and TXT are supported depending on file extension. Platforms without gui dialogs are using the fixed filenames “snapshot.txt” or “snapshot.bmp”.
\qquad 如果要保存Bochs屏幕的快照,请按此按钮。现在支持所有文本和图形模式。如果支持gui对话框(例如在win32上),Bochs会向您显示一个“另存为…”对话框来指定文件名。在文本模式中,支持BMP和TXT格式,具体取决于文件扩展名。没有gui对话框的平台使用固定的文件名“snapshot.txt”或“snapshot.bmp”。 - config button 配置按钮
This button stops the Bochs simulation and starts the runtime configuration. (see below).
\qquad 此按钮停止Bochs模拟并启动运行时配置。(见下文)。 - reset button 复位按钮
Press this button to trigger a hardware reset.
\qquad 按下此按钮可触发硬件重置。 - suspend button 暂停按钮
Press this button to save current simulation state to a disk. The simulation could be restored back using bochs -r command. For more details read the Save and restore simulation section.
\qquad 按下此按钮可将当前模拟状态保存到磁盘。可以使用bochs-r命令恢复模拟。有关详细信息,请阅读“保存和恢复模拟”部分。 - power button 电源按钮
This button stops the simulation and quits bochs.
\qquad 此按钮停止模拟并退出bochs。
Some of these features may not be implemented or work different on your host platform.
\qquad 其中一些功能可能无法在您的主机平台上实现或工作方式不同。
5.3.3. Command mode 命令模式
When using ‘sdl’, ‘sdl2’, ‘win32’ or ‘x’ as the display_library, the option ‘cmdmode’ enables the “command mode” support. If enabled, pressing the F7 key will enter ‘command mode’ (shown in the info item of the statusbar); the next key that is pressed will exit command-mode. When in command-mode, if the pressed key is in the list below, the corresponding action will be performed. With the exception of F7, any key pressed while in command-mode will not be received by the OS running in Bochs.
\qquad 当使用“sdl”、“sdl2”、“win32”或“x”作为display_library时,选项“cmdmode”将启用“命令模式”支持。如果启用,按F7键将进入“命令模式”(显示在状态栏的信息项中);按下的下一个键将退出命令模式。在命令模式下,如果按下的键在下面的列表中,将执行相应的操作。除F7外,在命令模式下按下的任何键都不会被Bochs中运行的操作系统接收。
In fullscreen mode (sdl, sdl2, win32) some handlers do not bring up a dialog box. The floppy buttons just toggle the status, the snapshot feature uses the hardcoded file name and the user button sends the configured shortcut.
\qquad 在全屏模式(sdl、sdl2、win32)中,一些处理程序不会显示对话框。软盘按钮只是切换状态,快照功能使用硬编码的文件名,用户按钮发送配置的快捷方式。
5.3.4. The runtime configuration 运行时配置
If you want to change certain settings at runtime, you have to press the “config” button in the headerbar. The simulation stops and the runtime menu appears on the console window / xterm or the Bochs gui console (if available).
\qquad 如果你想在运行时更改某些设置,你必须按下头栏中的“配置”按钮。模拟停止,运行时菜单出现在控制台窗口/xterm或Bochs gui控制台(如果可用)上。
In the runtime configuration you can change the floppy/cdrom image or device, change the log options or adjust some other settings. If you have trouble with a specific device, you can change the log options for this device only to get more information (e.g. report debug messages).
\qquad 在运行时配置中,您可以更改软盘/cdrom映像或设备、更改日志选项或调整一些其他设置。如果您在特定设备上遇到问题,您可以更改此设备的日志选项,以获取更多信息(例如,报告调试消息)。
5.4. Pre-defined CPU models 预定义的CPU型号
If Bochs is compiled with cpu level 5 or higher the CPUID opcode is supported and it can return some information about the cpu model and it’s features. When using a pre-defined CPU model in Bochs the features reported by CPUID are set up according to the model’s specification. The following table shows all available CPU models with a short description. The amount of choices depends on the CPU features enabled at compile time (3rd column).
\qquad 如果Bochs是用5级或更高级别的cpu编译的,那么CPUID操作码是受支持的,它可以返回一些关于cpu模型及其功能的信息。当在Bochs中使用预定义的CPU模型时,CPUID报告的功能将根据模型的规范进行设置。下表显示了所有可用的CPU型号,并进行了简短说明。选择的数量取决于编译时启用的CPU功能(第3列)。
表5-3。Bochs CPU型号
5.5. Save and restore simulation 保存和恢复模拟
Bochs has now full save/restore support. The state of cpu(s), memory, devices and hard drive images [1] can be saved. When running Bochs there will be a button in the header bar called “Suspend”. Depending on config interface and gui there will be a prompt where you can enter a path to an existing directory or a gui folder selection dialog box. It is possible to save the state at any time, but we recommend to do it when the simulation is idle. After pressing OK/Enter, Bochs will save a set of files into the selected folder. It is possible to continue after saving the state, but when using the restore function in a new Bochs session, all changes after this checkpoint will be lost.
\qquad Bochs现在拥有完全的保存/恢复支持。可以保存cpu、内存、设备和硬盘驱动器映像[1]的状态。运行Bochs时,标题栏中会有一个名为“挂起”的按钮。根据配置界面和gui,会有一个提示,您可以在其中输入现有目录的路径或gui文件夹选择对话框。可以随时保存状态,但我们建议在模拟空闲时进行保存。按确定/输入后,Bochs将把一组文件保存到选定的文件夹中。保存状态后可以继续,但在新的Bochs会话中使用恢复功能时,此检查点之后的所有更改都将丢失。
To restore the saved simulation state you can select the restore function in the text mode start menu or specify the restore path at the command line:
\qquad 要恢复保存的模拟状态,可以在文本模式开始菜单中选择恢复功能,或在命令行中指定恢复路径:
bochs -r /path/to/save-restore-data
Then Bochs will start up using the saved configuration and log options, restores the state of the hardware and begins the simulation. In the restore mode Bochs will ignore bochsrc options from the command line and does not load a normal config file.
\qquad 然后,Bochs将使用保存的配置和日志选项启动,恢复硬件状态并开始模拟。在恢复模式下,Bochs将忽略命令行中的bochsrc选项,并且不会加载正常的配置文件。
[1] The disk image mode “vvfat” does not support save/restore. All other disk image modes copy the whole image or the file containing changes (journal). This may take some time, so be patient when using this feature.
\qquad 磁盘映像模式“vffat”不支持保存/还原。所有其他磁盘映像模式都会复制整个映像或包含更改的文件(日志)。这可能需要一些时间,因此在使用此功能时请耐心等待。
5.6. Using sound 使用声音
5.6.1. Sound basics
Bochs supports two types of soundcards (SB16 ISA and ES1370 PCI) and the legacy PC speaker. The lowlevel sound interface provides a set of functions for wave (PCM) input / output and MIDI output using the host sound system. A driver must not implement all of these functions. The following table shows the supported drivers and their features.
\qquad Bochs支持两种类型的声卡(SB16 ISA和ES1370 PCI)和传统的PC扬声器。低电平声音接口为使用主机声音系统的波形(PCM)输入/输出和MIDI输出提供了一组功能。驱动程序不能实现所有这些功能。下表显示了支持的驱动程序及其功能。
名称 | 描述 | Wave input波形输入 | MIDI输出 |
alsa | use the default ALSA PCM device and the default ALSA sequencer on Linux在Linux上使用默认alsa PCM设备和默认alsa定序器 | Yes | Yes |
oss | use the Open Sound System on Linux and FreeBSD在Linux和FreeBSD上使用开放声音系统 | Yes | Yes |
osx | for output on Mac OS 9 and Mac OSX用于在Mac OS 9和Mac osx上输出的osx | No | Yes |
sdl | for wave output on platforms supported by SDL (1.2.x or 2.x) 用于sdl支持的平台上的波形输出的sdl(1.2.x或2.x) | No | No |
win | for output to the midi and wave mapper of Windows 赢得对Windows的midi和波形映射器的输出 | Yes | Yes |
These special values are also valid for the sound driver:
\qquad 这些特殊值也适用于声音驱动程序:
- default - select platform-default sound driver. 选择平台默认声音驱动程序。
- file - wave and MIDI output to file(s) 文件波形和MIDI输出到文件
- dummy - no output at all 根本没有输出
When compiling Bochs, the lowlevel sound support is activated if one of the soundcards is enabled (–enable-sb16 or --enable-es1370). The configure script detects the available drivers and sets up a platform-default one.
\qquad 编译Bochs时,如果其中一个声卡已启用(–enable-sb16或–enable-es1370),则会激活低级别声音支持。配置脚本检测可用的驱动程序并设置平台默认驱动程序。
At runtime the lowlevel sound module will be loaded automatically if one of the sound devices is enabled in the bochsrc. The drivers and devices for wave input / output and MIDI output must be set up with the sound option.
\qquad 在运行时,如果在bochsrc中启用了其中一个声音设备,则会自动加载低电平声音模块。波形输入/输出和MIDI输出的驱动程序和设备必须使用声音选项进行设置。
5.6.2. The PC speaker 电脑扬声器
The PC speaker is connected to the PIT 8254 timer #2 and generates a square wave beep with a frequency depending on the timer value. In Bochs the speaker is a separate plugin that is controlled by the two events “beep on” and “beep off”. The “beep on” event is also called when the frequency changes while turned on.
\qquad 电脑扬声器连接到PIT 8254定时器#2,并根据定时器值产生频率为方波的嘟嘟声。在Bochs中,扬声器是一个单独的插件,由两个事件“打开嘟嘟声”和“关闭嘟嘟声”控制。当频率在开启时发生变化时,也会称为“嘟嘟”事件。
The destination for the speaker output can be selected with the mode parameter of the speaker option. Three choices are available:
\qquad 扬声器输出的目的地可以使用扬声器选项的模式参数进行选择。有三种选择:
- sound : the beep is generated by the square wave generator which is a part of the lowlevel sound support. 嘟嘟声由方波发生器产生,方波发生器是低电平声音支持的一部分。
- system : only available on Linux and Windows. On Linux /dev/console is used for output and on Windows the Beep() function. 仅在Linux和Windows上可用。在Linux/dev/console上用于输出,在Windows上使用Beep()函数。
- gui : forwards the beep to the related gui methods (currently only used by the Carbon gui). 将嘟嘟声转发到相关的gui方法(目前仅由Carbon gui使用)。
5.6.3. SB16 runtime configuration SB16运行时配置
Most of the SB16 configuration parameters are available in the runtime configuration menu or dialog. In addition to this, there is a small program called SB16CTRL to change emulation settings from inside the simulation.
\qquad 大多数SB16配置参数在运行时配置菜单或对话框中可用。除此之外,还有一个名为SB16CTRL的小程序可以从模拟内部更改模拟设置。 Runtime options 运行时选项
Unlike other devices, the SB16 emulation has it’s own logfile and a loglevel parameter to control what should be printed there. Both the log file and loglevel parameters can be changed at runtime. See the sb16 bochsrc option for details.
\qquad 与其他设备不同,SB16仿真有自己的日志文件和一个日志级别参数来控制应该打印的内容。日志文件和日志级别参数都可以在运行时更改。有关详细信息,请参阅sb16 bochsrc选项。
The output parameters midimode, midifile, wavemode and wavefile are also available at runtime.
\qquad 输出参数midimode、midifile、wavemode和wavefile在运行时也可用。
The dmatimer parameter controls the DMA timing for wave (PCM) input and output. When you get non-continuous sound this value can be ajusted to fix this. This needs a reasonably correct setting for the cpu: ips option.
\qquad dmatimer参数控制波(PCM)输入和输出的DMA定时。当你得到非连续的声音时,这个值可以用来修复这个问题。这需要对cpu:ips选项进行合理正确的设置。 SB16CTRL SB16控制
The source for the SB16CTRL program that is used to modify the runtime behavior of the SB16 emulation is included in misc/sb16/. It is a C program that can be run from inside the emulation.
\qquad 用于修改SB16仿真的运行时行为的SB16CTRL程序的源代码包含在misc/SB16/中。它是一个C程序,可以从仿真内部运行。
It currently supports the following commands:
\qquad 它目前支持以下命令:
选项 | 说明 |
-I | number Show the selected emulator info string, e.g. sb16ctrl -i 3 to show how many patch translations are active. number显示所选的模拟器信息字符串,例如sb16ctrl-i 3,以显示有多少补丁翻译处于活动状态。 |
-t | six numbers Load a translation into the translation table. The numbers are: “OldBankMSB,OldBankLSB,OldProgram,NewBankMSB,NewBankLSB,NewProgram”. All values can be 0…127 or 255. 255 for “Old” values means match any and for “New” values means don’t change, e.g. sb16ctrl -t 255,255,0,255,255,32 to change patch 0 (Piano) to patch 32 (Acoustic Bass).六个数字将翻译加载到翻译表中。数字为:“OldBankMSB,OldBankLSB,OldProgram,NewBankMSB、NewBankLSB、NewProgram”。所有值都可以是0…127或255。255表示“旧”值表示匹配任何值,对于“新”值表示不更改,例如sb16ctrl-t 255,0255255,32将补丁0(钢琴)更改为补丁32(原声低音)。 |
-r | Reset the patch translation table e.g. sb16ctrl -r. 重置补丁翻译表,例如sb16ctrl-r。 |
-m | some numbers Upload the given numbers to the midi output device. Note that it should be a complete midi message, and also that it is subject to patch translation, e.g. sb16ctrl -m 0x80,64,0 to send a note-off message to channel 0. 一些数字将给定的数字上传到midi输出设备。请注意,它应该是一个完整的midi消息,并且还需要进行补丁翻译,例如sb16ctrl-m 0x80,64,0向通道0发送一条注释关闭消息。 |
-f | filename Read in a file and execute the commands in it. These have the same format as the above commands, except that they don’t have the dash “-” in front of them. Comment lines are supported and start with a hash sign “#”. filename读取文件并执行其中的命令。这些命令的格式与上面的命令相同,只是前面没有破折号“-”。支持注释行,并以哈希符号“#”开头。 |
-h | Show a brief summary of the commands. 显示命令的简要摘要。 |
All numbers can be valid parameters to the strtol() function, so hex and octal notation is fine. They have to be delimited by either commas “,” or slashes “/”, spaces are not allowed.
\qquad 所有数字都可以是strtol()函数的有效参数,因此十六进制和八进制表示法是可以的。它们必须用逗号“、”或斜杠“/”分隔,不允许使用空格。
The command line can have any number of commands. However, if none are given, “-f -” is assumed, which means commands are taken from stdin.
\qquad 命令行可以包含任意数量的命令。但是,如果没有给定,则假定为“-f-”,这意味着命令取自stdin。