5.7.1. Creating Sampler Objects
5.7.1. 创建采样器对象
To create a sampler object, call the function
// Provided by CL_VERSION_2_0
cl_sampler clCreateSamplerWithProperties(
cl_context context,
const cl_sampler_properties* sampler_properties,
cl_int* errcode_ret);
clCreateSamplerWithProperties is missing before version 2.0. clCreateSamplerWithProperties在版本2.0之前丢失。 |
context must be a valid OpenCL context.
sampler_properties specifies a list of sampler property names and their corresponding values. Each sampler property name is immediately followed by the corresponding desired value. The list is terminated with 0. The list of supported properties is described in the Sampler Properties table. If a supported property and its value is not specified in sampler_properties, its default value will be used. sampler_properties can be
in which case the default values for supported sampler properties will be used. -
errcode_ret will return an appropriate error code. If errcode_ret is
, no error code is returned. -
Sampler Property 采样器属性 |
Property Value 属性值 |
Description 描述 |
A boolean value that specifies whether the image coordinates specified are normalized or not. The default value (i.e. the value used if this property is not specified in sampler_properties) is CL_TRUE. |
Specifies how out-of-range image coordinates are handled when reading from an image. Valid values are: 指定从图像读取时如何处理超出范围的图像坐标。有效值为: CL_ADDRESS_NONE - Behavior is undefined for out-of-range image coordinates. CL_ADDRESS_NONE-未定义超出范围的图像坐标的行为。 CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE - Out-of-range image coordinates are clamped to the edge of the image. CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE-超出范围的图像坐标被箝位到图像的边缘。 CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP - Out-of-range image coordinates are assigned a border color value. CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP-为超出范围的图像坐标指定边界颜色值。 CL_ADDRESS_REPEAT - Out-of-range image coordinates read from the image as if the image data were replicated in all dimensions. CL_ADDRESS_REPEAT-从图像读取的超出范围的图像坐标,就好像在所有维度上复制了图像数据一样。 CL_ADDRESS_MIRRORED_REPEAT - Out-of-range image coordinates read from the image as if the image data were replicated in all dimensions, mirroring the image contents at the edge of each replication. CL_ADDRESS_MIRRRED_REPAT-从图像读取的超出范围的图像坐标,就好像在所有维度上复制了图像数据一样,镜像了每次复制边缘的图像内容。 The default is CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP. 默认值为CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP。 |
Specifies the type of filter that is applied when reading an image. Valid values are: 指定读取图像时应用的过滤器类型。有效值为: CL_FILTER_NEAREST - Returns the image element nearest to the image coordinate. CL_FILTER_NEAREST-返回最接近图像坐标的图像元素。 CL_FILTER_LINEAR - Returns a weighted average of the four image elements nearest to the image coordinate. CL_FILTER_LINEAR-返回最接近图像坐标的四个图像元素的加权平均值。 The default value is CL_FILTER_NEAREST. 默认值为CL_FILTER_NEAREST。 |
Specifies the mipmap filter used when sampling from a mipmapped image. The available filter are: 指定从mipmap图像采样时使用的mipmap过滤器。可用的过滤器有: CL_FILTER_NEAREST - Use the nearest mipmap level to the image coordinate. CL_FILTER_NEAREST-使用与图像坐标最近的mipmap级别。 CL_FILTER_LINEAR - Use a weighted average of the two mipmap levels nearest to the image coordinate. CL_FILTER_LINEAR-使用最接近图像坐标的两个mipmap级别的加权平均值。 The default is CL_FILTER_NEAREST. 默认值为CL_FILTER_NEAREST。 |
provided by the |
Specifies the minimum value to which the computed level of detail lambda is clamped when sampling from a mipmapped image. The default is 指定从mipmap图像采样时,计算的详细程度lambda被钳制到的最小值。 |
provided by the |
Specifies the maximum value to which the computed level of detail lambda is clamped when sampling from a mipmapped image. The default is 指定从mipmap图像采样时,计算的详细程度lambda被钳制到的最大值。 |
When the cl_khr_mipmap_image extension is supported, the sampler properties CL_SAMPLER_MIP_FILTER_MODE_KHR, CL_SAMPLER_LOD_MIN_KHR and CL_SAMPLER_LOD_MAX_KHR cannot be specified with any samplers initialized in the OpenCL program source. Only the default values for these properties will be used. To create a sampler with specific values for these properties, a sampler object must be created with clCreateSamplerWithProperties and passed as an argument to a kernel. 如果支持cl_khr_mipmap_image扩展,则无法使用OpenCL程序源中初始化的任何采样器指定采样器属性CL_SAMPLER_MIP_FILTER_MODE_KHR、CL_SAMPLER_LOD_MIN_KHR和CL_SAMPLER_LOD_MAX_KHR。将仅使用这些属性的默认值。要为这些属性创建具有特定值的采样器,必须使用clCreateSamplerWithProperties创建采样器对象,并将其作为参数传递给内核。 |
clCreateSamplerWithProperties returns a valid non-zero sampler object and errcode_ret is set to CL_SUCCESS if the sampler object is created successfully. Otherwise, it returns a NULL
value with one of the following error values returned in errcode_ret:
CL_INVALID_CONTEXT if context is not a valid context.
CL_INVALID_CONTEXT(如果context 不是有效上下文)。
CL_INVALID_VALUE if the property name in sampler_properties is not a supported property name, if the value specified for a supported property name is not valid, or if the same property name is specified more than once.
CL_INVALID_OPERATION if images are not supported by any device associated with context (i.e. CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_SUPPORT specified in the Device Queries table is CL_FALSE).
CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
To create a sampler object, call the function
// Provided by CL_VERSION_1_0
cl_sampler clCreateSampler(
cl_context context,
cl_bool normalized_coords,
cl_addressing_mode addressing_mode,
cl_filter_mode filter_mode,
cl_int* errcode_ret);
clCreateSampler is deprecated by version 2.0. clCreateSampler已被2.0版本弃用。 |
context must be a valid OpenCL context.
context 必须是有效的OpenCL上下文。
normalized_coords has the same interpretation as CL_SAMPLER_NORMALIZED_COORDS in the sampler creation properties table.
addressing_mode has the same interpretation as CL_SAMPLER_ADDRESSING_MODE in the sampler creation properties table.
filter_mode has the same interpretation as CL_SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE in the sampler creation properties table.
errcode_ret will return an appropriate error code. If errcode_ret is
, no error code is returned. -
clCreateSampler returns a valid non-zero sampler object and errcode_ret is set to CL_SUCCESS if the sampler object is created successfully. Otherwise, it returns a NULL
value with one of the following error values returned in errcode_ret:
CL_INVALID_CONTEXT if context is not a valid context.
CL_INVALID_VALUE if addressing_mode, filter_mode, normalized_coords or a combination of these arguements are not valid.
CL_INVALID_OPERATION if images are not supported by any device associated with context (i.e. CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_SUPPORT specified in the Device Queries table is CL_FALSE).
CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
To retain a sampler object, call the function
// Provided by CL_VERSION_1_0
cl_int clRetainSampler(
cl_sampler sampler);
sampler specifies the sampler to be released.
The sampler reference count is incremented. clCreateSamplerWithProperties and clCreateSampler perform an implicit retain.
clRetainSampler returns CL_SUCCESS if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
CL_INVALID_SAMPLER if sampler is not a valid sampler object.
CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
To release a sampler object, call the function
// Provided by CL_VERSION_1_0
cl_int clReleaseSampler(
cl_sampler sampler);
sampler specifies the sampler to be released.
The sampler reference count is decremented. The sampler object is deleted after the reference count becomes zero and commands queued for execution on a command-queue(s) that use sampler have finished.
clReleaseSampler returns CL_SUCCESS if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
CL_INVALID_SAMPLER if sampler is not a valid sampler object.
CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
Using this function to release a reference that was not obtained by creating the object or by calling clRetainSampler causes undefined behavior.